Players now have the option to purchase additional character slots to permanently increase the number of available characters on the Age of Conan game account. This offer is currently limited to two additional purchased character slots per account (maximum of 10 slots) and is priced at 15 Euro per slot. Veteran players who have been subscribed to Age of Conan for 6 months or more receive one free additional character slot automatically to their account (maximum of 11 slots).
Players find this new option on the registration page at .
Oily barbarian MMO Age of Conan has turned free-to-play.

‘Age of Conan: Unchained’ offers players the option of playing the game for free, without obligation. The business model is a hybrid of the 'store only' free-to-play model and the tiered offering that includes a Premium subscription option. We are pleased to confirm that we have increased the amount of total additional character slots from 3 to 10. Veteran accounts who registered the expansion and have been loyal to the game by having been active in the game 12 months or more will receive a free character slot on May 11th, 2010 and May 25th, 2010. All other accounts will be able to purchase up to 10 additional character slots for the normal price of 1,500 points. Characters Stand face to face with legendary Hyborian characters. Through your adventures in the online world of Hyboria, you will encounter characters known from the Conan books, comics and movies.
The game is now known as Age of Conan: Unchained.
Turning free-to-play means there are no barriers - besides waiting for the client to download - to prevent you giving Funcom's much improved virtual world a try.
Age Of Conan Sign Up
Free-to-play members of Age of Conan get a choice of four character classes and two character slots. Bank space, adventure zones, dungeons, raids and mount training are limited. Sieges, alternative advancement, offline levels and veteran points are unavailable.
A premium subscription unlocks all the content. This costs €12.95 a month.

Age of Conan, like most MMOs, has changed considerably since its May 2008 launch - most notably with expansion Rise of the Godslayer last year. In 2011, Age of Conan will welcome a wealth of content relating to the new Conan the Barbarian Hollywood film.
Journey to the Age of Conan: Unchained website to get the ball rolling.